Monday 12 May 2014

Day 3 of Intuitive Doodling

Day 3 - 11 May 2014

I'll be honest, - I almost didn't doodle today. Today was Mother's Day in South Africa, so my mother, my mother-in-law and sister came over for a Mother's Day "braai" or barbeque if you will, together with their families. The day flew past and before I knew it, it was 21h30 and I had not yet made a doodle. As I have no intention to skip a day, I stuck my butt down, grabbed my stuff and started doodling at the dining-room table. 

When I had finished I found myself to be glancing down at some kind of "Funky Bird"...

I sat staring down at the doodle for a few minutes... This one was a little harder for me to reflect on, but ultimately the following aspects stood out to me:
1. It was a bird.
(I worked on my first mixed media canvas 2 weeks ago, and the finished canvas sported 2 birds...)

2. The bird had a bright red hand, which to me indicates "to do, or to take action". 
3. The bird had a layered body, with almost an organic type structure tucked away in the middle, which to me suggested a need of "being protected".

When I put all these elements together I got the following message: 

"I need to be brave and DO the things I want (and need) to do!"

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